Feedback List - Mobile App

1) **URGENT** Google emailed me and said our app is out of compliant. CLICK HERE

2) After I send the appt details... The text msg is not generating the invite link properly, need to get API from Sumit. CLICK HERE6)

Need to check AFTER update to Apple Store..
On the iPhone 14...two customers told me that the call icon are not work at the following window....CLICK HERE | CLICK HERE



The following page/window still have UI issues on iPhone 14...

             >> Manage Status - Missing title and the ''Add +'' - CLICK HERE 
             >> Signature - This page is from the side menu under Organize>Signature. Missing title and Add+ - CLICK HERE 
             >> Drip Campaign - Under Automation>Drip Campaign....Missing title and Add+ is no line up. CLICK HERE
             >> Message History - Under Reports>Message History...Missing title - CLICK HERE
             >> Blocked List - Under Reports>Blocked List...Missing title - CLICK HERE
             >> Announcements - It is not show all the drop downs. CLICK HERE
             >> Schedule Message - Too much white space at the bottom - CLICK HERE

             >> Tags/Groups - The ''Edit'' is being cut off. - CLICK HERE

             >> Online Schedule Date page - It is missing the date on the top menu. CLICK HERE

[Online Scheduling] On IPHONE App, A the Share Link....ONLY AFTER I select the contact first then try to select link then it shows pop-up window that blocks everything. CLICK HERE

 [Text Reminder] When I tried to schedule appointment on my Android and go to set the text reminder - THE WHOLE APP CRASHED.    WATCH VIDEO

[MMS] See below for feedback...

       #A) While waiting for picture to load....need to add a loader. Sometime it takes a long time to load.

       #B) CLICK HERE to see layout feedback.

[Text Reminder] See feedback below...

       A) At the view details window...need to remove the last column. CLICK HERE

       B) Need to also remove the Send To column also from this window. CLICK HERE

[View By Filter] When view by filter and then SEND message and go mess up filter. WATCH VIDEO

[Appointment] When I open any appt, the DATE is not reflect keep default to current date. WATCH VIDEO

[Text Reminder] See my feedback below...

       A) The text reminder is not syncing properly to match what the desktop show. WATCH VIDEO
       B) Need to create View detail page to show when remunder schedule to go out. Like desktop

       C) Need to remove the demo wording and implement new feature where the text reminder toggle is. CLICK HERE

[Appointment] Do not allow appointment to be saved as blank. CLICK HERE

New Text Reminder] Need to create the NEW UI for text reminder and Sumit have provided API already.

[Tags Page] Do not allow to tap 'Edit' multiple times and open window multiple times. SCREENSHOT | VIDEO

[Contacts Page] Need to make easier to scroll, currently it is way too sticky. WATCH VIDEO

[Schedule Message] When I tap on Pending and open view window and close...I can not reopen. I have to completely exit and come back. WATCH VIDEO

[Web Forms] Can not seem to add a NEW additional auto reply message. It does not save and bind. WATCH VIDEO

[Online Scheduling] See feedback below...

       A) For ANDROID APP... After I tap send button to share the calendar link, need to have a LOADER because currently it
            'freeze' for up to 2-3 seconds before it send.

      B) Need to update the confirmation pop-up message when I tap Stop to delete campaign, need to update for Android
            and also iPhone...CLICK HERE

[Time Zone] CLICK HERE to see feedback on the wording and action selections. Need to match the desktop version.

[Share Links] Can not type full name, it cuts off after so many characters. CLICK HERE ...(also happening on iPhone)

[Online Scheduling] See my feedback below...

> When there is no more appointment the scheduling calendar...need to remove orange shade. WATCH VIDEO
At the 'Share Link'.... Stil can not type full name at search field....for example...'ricky huynh'....WATCH VIDEO

[Drip Campaign]

Should only open one accordian message at a time...when one open, the other should close. Please fix this at the contact campaign window also. WATCH VIDEO
> At the Pending Report...when I actually tap on the pending item...need to open the actually campaign to show user...currently it just show the campaign name...WATCH VIDEO

> At the side menu Drip Campaign...when I tap on ''Tracking'' the first time for any lags and show half black screen. WATCH VIDEO  

[Online Scheduling]

> Need to add the meeting type drop-down field at the time slot selection window. CLICK HERE  | DESKTOP VERSION

> At the Booked Appointment window...

    >> Need to sort by most recent upcoming appointments at top of list. CLICK HERE

   >> Need to move the 'Edit' and 'Delete' feature in the detail pop-up window. WATCH VIDEO

> Time Slot summary window....CLICK HERE to see layout feedback.

Need to add the meeting type drop-down field at the time slot selection window. CLICK HERE  | DESKTOP VERSION

[Switching Signal] I am not even getting the pop-up window any longer. Still does not work. When I switch signal and I go to Text Inbox, it just keep spinning. CLICK HERE

[Google Pixel 6 Pro] I have customer contact me today and said that she has a Pixel and when she tap on the CALL icon, it does nothing. It works fine on my Samsung. Please help fix this feature specific to her phone. CLICK HERE

[Contacts Page]

 Need to make easier to scroll, currently it is way too sticky. 


New Text Reminder]

 Need to create the NEW UI for text reminder and Sumit have provided API already.

[Appointment] Do not allow appointment to be saved as blank. CLICK HERE

 [Text Reminder] When I tried to schedule appointment on my Android and go to set the text reminder - THE WHOLE APP CRASHED.    WATCH VIDEO

C) The following page/window still have UI issues on iPhone 14...

             >> Manage Status - Missing title and the ''Add +'' - CLICK HERE 
             >> Signature - This page is from the side menu under Organize>Signature. Missing title and Add+ - CLICK HERE 
             >> Drip Campaign - Under Automation>Drip Campaign....Missing title and Add+ is no line up. CLICK HERE
             >> Message History - Under Reports>Message History...Missing title - CLICK HERE
             >> Blocked List - Under Reports>Blocked List...Missing title - CLICK HERE
             >> Announcements - It is not show all the drop downs. CLICK HERE
             >> Schedule Message - Too much white space at the bottom - CLICK HERE

             >> Tags/Groups - The ''Edit'' is being cut off. - CLICK HERE

             >> Online Schedule Date page - It is missing the date on the top menu. CLICK HERE

                                        ****AS A REMINDER, ALL UPDATES SHOULD BE ALSO DONE ON IPHONE****

[Google Pixel 6] The push notification is not working at all.

[Landing Page] Need to be able to click to view and easily copy the landing page link. Currently, only able to select and text out.

[Keyword Campaign] ***NEED TO UPDATE ON BOTH MOBILE APP*** It should only be able to add 6 auto-reply...currently that is not the case. CLICK HERE

[Drip Campaign] ***NEED TO UPDATE ON BOTH MOBILE APP*** Also at Drip Campaign, it should only be able to have up to 6 auto-reply message. CLICK HERE

>> Iphone app, when new message comes in and I tap on icon, it does not show new red indicator for the new message, I have to pull down to refresh

>> When try to open Message Template from side menu it freeze awhile before it loads...need to add a LOADER....something at the share template icon not allow open Task window more than once


#1) [Text Reminder] When I create an appointment and set the text reminder...then go back and had to change the date and time, the text reminder does not update accordingly. This problem happens on mobile app only. Please fix for Android and iPhone WATCH VIDEO

#2) [Share Template] The 'View All' is not show all templates... Also when I first go to takes too long to load. On iPhone, after using a bit,it crashed. Need to fix on Android and iPhone. WATCH VIDEO

#3) [App Documentation] Need to create the FULL DOCUMENTATION for the mobile app for Sumit to review.



[Call Out App Selection] **STILL NOT WORK** When user tap on our call icon to call out...need to have pop-up window to show all the apps that is installed on their phone that can make call out. CLICK HERE to see what I mean. 

[Credit Usage] At the Credit Usage (Admin) it is still not showing the summary section. Check desktop version.

[Credit History] Need to create this section for Admin. Do the UI layout then talk to Sumit about API

[Android] See my feedback below..

       > At the Android Play Store...Need to change from ''Teen'' to ''Everyone'' for who can download


[Online Scheduling] **Still not fixed** On IPHONE App Online Scheduling...when I add time slot, the date on calendar does not turn orange shade right away, need to exit then come back. 

[Drip Campaign] See feedback below...

       A) ****IPHONE ONLY****It is not displaying the Drip Campaign pending report properly and window does not close
            when I tap on “X'. WATCH VIDEO


[Landing Pages] Need to implement this section.

[New Appointment] When I tried to create a new appointment (FROM APP)...WATCH VIDEO

       #A) ***STILL NOT WORKING****The USER does not even get the text reminder at all


 - Text Inbox
 - Compose Message
 - Send Group Text
 - Scheduled Messages
 - Msg Templates
 - Signatures
 - Text Pages

 - Text Chat
 - Message Recall

 - View Contacts
 - Add New Contact
 - Export All Contacts
 - Manage Status
 - Custom Fields
 - Tags/Groups

 - Tasks
 - Notepad
 - Calendar

 - Birthday Wish
 - Keyword Campaign

See below for Get Response login details...



See below for Recurly login details...



Go to link below to log in:

Google #1 - (858) 365-0995
Password: mtv432!?

Google #2 - (858) 215-1758
Password: 26752sd138!

Google #3 - (858) 367-0233
Password: 26752boss!!??


[2 Factor Authentication] Need to get API from Sumit.  

[Contact Details]  DESKTOP |  MOBILE APP...At the Contact Details...when Gender is not added, the the Time Zone on the mobile app

[iPhone 12] On iPhone 12, when open the appt notification from bell icon, it does not show the calendar icon. CLICK HERE

[Chat Support] When I tap on the new icon at top right hand corner, it is not going to the chat page, it is composing new message.

[Side Menu] I want simplify the app more so please 'HIDE' (do not permanently delete) the following items at the side menu...

[Contact] At the Contact Page...after filter...the contact number does not show properly

[Appt Detail Window] Do not allow it to swipe up, it needs to be fixed. WATCH VIDEO
 At Chat Support...when I am logged in as user...and I get a chat support push notification...when I tap on does not work. When I log in as admin the it works fine.  WATCH VIDEO
All icons on the top right need to be same color and style like the bottom menu icons. Currently, does not look good. CLICK HERE
 I can't seem to schedule an appointment on mobile app. Text reminder not working and time not correct. 
 There is some bug that preventing me to send back message from mobile to new user. WATCH VIDEO
[Outbound Sending] With the new build is a significant delay when send outbound messages. WATCH VIDEO

[Schedule Appt] When schedule an appointment that cross another day, it is not calculating properly. WATCH VIDEO

[Side Menu]....At Contacts...Remove the follwing...''Manage Status'', ''Custom Fields'', ''Tags/Groups'', ''Export All Contacts

[Low Credits] Still not working properly...when I click the Order Credits, the app crash. WATCH VIDEO

[Inbound Call Reply] At the actual window, CLICK HERE to see a few layout feedback. 
[Side Menu] Misc name changes

[Missed Call] At the missed pop-up the UI is not looking good. CLICK HERE ....AND I have tap almost 10 times for window to close all.
[Calendar] Still having a hard time switching between different months. I am thinking we need to add a left and right arrow so it will be easier to switch like the desktop. CLICK HERE

[Schedule Msg] After I schedule a message and go to the pending window, the date format on mobile is not correct. CLICK HERE

[iPhone 14] Need to fix scrolling issue on iPhone Pro Max

[Note Reminder] When adding a reminder for a note, it erase the note completely
[MMS] When try to send MMS, the ANDROID app completely crash, iPhone is fine
[Dashboard] Need to separate sharing vCard and Text Pages in separate square

[Share vCard] Need to show app push notification when someone share vCard

[Contact Page] Need to fix the contact count …currently shows '0'…Sumit said it is because of lazy loading is pretty fast to fix

[Add Quick Contact] Fixed number edit, remove the ''Select Group'' field, and message after add.

[Update Appt] When I update an existing appointment to a future date, the 'End Date' need to update also but it does not.

[Message Templates]  When selecting templates...need to remember the last template category that was selects and load the templates for that category.

[Assign Tags] When assigning a tag to a contact, need to only be able to assign one at a time. This is something we changed on he desktop so need to match on mobile app also.

[Message Page] Add a loader on message page Sometime it takes a while for it too load so it shows blank...I was think a loader while waiting.

[Missed Called] Need push app notification for missed call.

[Voicemail] Need push app notification for new voicemail message (Voicemail feature should be disable for now)
[Missed Called] Need to add a new UI and functionality for Missed call Text in side menu.

[Missed Called] Need to add a new UI for Missed Call Log.

[Upcoming Appt] At Dashboard, the upcoming appointments not showing.

[Chat Support] Chat UI and Functionalities